Friday 4 December 2020

Terrible year, but maybe Yule save us all!?

Well, here in Lancashire, it is snowing!

Here's hoping for a white christmas and wishing everyone a holiday season that maybe goes some way toward repairing the horror of 2020.

God Jul, och gott nytt år

Thursday 9 April 2020

Would quarantine have been better in the 80s?

Sometimes I think that the internet is only really making this lockdown worse. Rather than learning a new language, getting the garden sorted or finishing all those niggling DIY jobs around the house - most of my non-working day is spent swiping my mobile screen or surfing the internet for mind-numbing content. Worse still, 99% of the social media posts are clannish negativity, conspiracy theories or plain and simple dumbassery.

Might place my self in internet-exile as well as quarantine and see what I can do to actually improve myself as a person while we collectively wait withe baited breath for all those to blow over.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

We are close to achieving maximum stupid...

Hand washing instructions are posted everywhere now in an effort to combat COVID-19.

The ones here at work contain the following valuable instruction:

"Wash each wrist with the opposite hand...."

Glad you told me that. That's saved me a lot of time trying to wash it with the same hand!


Thursday 20 February 2020

Dead Zone: The Reality TV version

So, it seems that populist governments around the globe have discovered a formula for convincing the gullible underclass to vote against their own interests and in favour of draconian, quasi-fascist billionaire "men of the people".

Social media should be a privilege earned by those who have shown they can use it responsibly. As it stands, it is touted as a right. Foisted upon all and sundry, even those who ignorantly share moronic, hate-filled memes, fraudulent chain messages, fake news and bigoted fascist propaganda.

The cretins outnumber every other group by a factor of at least a thousand to one and they have been sold the lie that foreigners are responsible for their unhappiness. They've been sold this lie by those who have - who own the means of production and the media - in the name of protecting the status quo. Worse, they seek to undo every progressive step that society has taken toward integration, environmental sustainability and welfare since the industrial revolution.

The solution? Fight the government and call out the fake news. Protest. Punch a nazi. Do whatever necessary to halt their march into power.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Monetising is the death of art

Ever notice how the really successful "influencers" (what a terrible word - the only people they successfully influence are antagonistic cretins who, frankly, would have been equally influenced by a by a brightly coloured sock in a tumble dryer) always seem to concentrate on quantity, rather than quality?

Either the corporate sponsors are looking for vapid morons in the first place, or something about the monetisation process causes them all to sink to the lowest common denominator of video content.

Ever see the film "Idiocracy"? Where a moronic audience habitually watch clips of some guy getting hit in the nuts over and over? That is the state of the internet right now. "Going Viral" usually means something stupid being done on film, on purpose, just to get mouthbreathers to share the content with their equally cretinous friends.

I know someone who is an internet junkie. His favourite pass time is searching out memes to share with the friends he has never met. He has the single most juvenile sense of humour I have ever come across in a supposedly adult male. Whenever something happens that has any kind of toilet humour/playground insult content, he literally laughs out loud - inappropriately, regardless of the situation he is in. He is the quinessential child of the internet. It has existed as long as he has been alive and it has had the single greatest influence on his upbringing.

He is the future. Superficial, cretinous baboons are the future of mankind.

We got what we wanted, and now we have to live with the consequences.

Friday 7 June 2019

Music Merch / Competition